Kadhalikka Neramillai Movie Review

 Kadhalikka Neramillai Movie Review

Kiruthiga Udhaynidhi has been a filmmaker who has tried out a variety of genres after making her debut in a romantic comedy. But in her most settled, matured film till date, she manages to give in a pretty engaging film in the form of Kadhalikka Neramillai.

The film is based on two stands – Shreya (Nithya Menen) who finds herself with the wrong man immediately after her engagement, and Siddharth (Ravi Mohan) who is a man who wants to be free until he dies, without any complicated relationship commitments. The film gets deeper and deeper into the lives of these two, their friends, family and more as it moves along in the first half, and has some good dialogues, good moments and the way in which it is organized is also interesting. However, when the film moves into its second half, it gets a bit too easy, with convenient writing and simpler situations coming into the fray. Here, Kadhalikka Neramillai starts to feel as it is a film that feels similar to many other films.

It is the performances that hold the film throughout along with its technical finesse. Ravi Mohan is excellent in his part and feels fresher than his other films, while Nitya Menen is a terrific fit and excels in the emotional scenes.

While Vinay and Yogi Babu are decent, TJ Bhanu is an actress who could have been replaced by someone else, as she turns out to be a turn off in her scenes.

The cinematography by Gavemic Ary is superb and gives the film an excellent look, while Rahman’s music is good in parts and average in parts.

On the whole, Kadhalikka Neramillai is an engaging romantic drama which isn’t groundbreaking or superb, but turns out to be a good watch if you’re a fan of such films.

Kadhalikka Neramillai Movie Rating: 3.25/5

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